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28 Feb 2018

HaploMaps Interactive Genetic Genealogy Maps

By |28 Feb 2018|Genetic Genealogy DNA, Sassy Jane Genealogy Newsletter|0 Comments

HaploMaps Interactive Genetic Genealogy Maps can help you learn more from your DNA results. Results coming in from all those kits purchased for the holidays? plots your DNA results using Google Maps to help you better [...]

3 Sep 2015

First Friday Genealogy Issue Sep 4 2015

By |3 Sep 2015|Sassy Jane Genealogy Newsletter|2 Comments

Subscribe now to get the First Friday Genealogy issue Sep 4 2015 on cemetery resources. It's free! First Friday Genealogy with Sassy Jane is my free monthly genealogy newsletter, written from my perspective as a genealogy librarian and archivist. [...]

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