
Sassy Jane Genealogy

Nancy LoeWelcome to Sassy Jane Genealogy. My name is Nancy Loe.

As a professional librarian, archivist, and genealogist, I’ve assisted hundreds of family historians with US and European research. My genealogy eBooks and presentations help family historians just like you with practical skills and online research. Sign up for my monthly genealogy newsletter and blog posts to turn your family’s lives into legacies.

And here’s the back story about that Sassy Jane name.

  • San Diego Genealogical Society | Seminar 11 January 2025 at 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
  • Bucks County GS | Cataloging Digital Family Photos 1 February 2025 at 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM 10 Eastern

Sassy Jane Genealogy Blog

Get the latest family history news and resources with the links in the Sassy Jane Genealogy Blog.

Genealogy eBook Series

Find essential online records, develop practical skills, and discover immigrant ancestors with Sassy Jane eBooks.

Sassy Jane Newsletter

Get tips, tricks, links, and help using essential genealogy sites in my monthly newsletter

Research for Clients

Clients with US and European ancestors receive multi-generational family history trees, books, and charts

Presentations & Webinars

Nancy presents in a fun and engaging way for all genealogy skill levels in the US, Canada, and Australia.

  • Organize Like an Archivist: Taming Genealogy Records and Research


  • Beyond Ancestry: Essential Genealogy Research Portals


  • Naturalization Records for U.S. Genealogy Research eBook


  • Using Macs and iPads for Genealogy


  • Finding Ancestral Locations in Prussia eBook


  • Cataloging Digital Family Photographs


  • Ten Skills Every Genealogist Needs


  • Finding Scottish Ancestors Online eBook
