Update May 2022: Very sorry to report that the excellent search engine Yippy is no longer available.
While I research metasearch alternatives, consider Startpage. This search engine from The Netherlands protects privacy. Startpage supplies users with Google Search results, but unlike Google, it does not store your personal information or search data. And no trackers are installed on your computer.
Have you tried genealogy research using Yippy.com?
Yippy.com is a metasearch engine. Technically speaking, Yippy aggregates results, gathering data from many search engines and compiling the results for you. More about metasearches and how they work later. But for now, let’s compare results from genealogy research using Yippy.com and Google.
Yippy Search Results
Yippy lists results for a search on one of my ancestral villages in Prussia (above). Searching “Rawitsch genealogy” delivered 17,000+ results. The left sidebar on Yippy sorts hits into groups (red box above). There, 47 of the most relevant hits are listed by Topics. I can also reorder the search results (yellow box above) by Sources, Sites (.com, org., .net, etc.), or Time (when articles were posted).
As it turns out, a tenacious blogger at sassyjanegenealogy.com (surprise! surprise!) wrote five of those 47 hits about Rawitsch genealogy. But there’s plenty for me to explore in those 42 other hits. And I can always go see all 17,000+ hits…if I have temporarily lost my mind.
Google Search Results
The same search at Google yields 9,500 hits. The results are offered in order of Google’s trade-secret ranking algorithms which they haven’t shared with me personally. According to user studies, a majority of searchers never look past the first page at Google search results. So “curated” results like Yippy’s usually yield more useful hits.
Advantages of Genealogy Research Using Yippy.com
- Broader searches possible
- Reduces the need to search multiple sites individually
- Curates results into four useful categories:
- Eliminates the need to search for websites to search
- Increased possibility of finding relevant new information
New Sassy Jane Genealogy e-Book

Essential Portals for Genealogy Research
My latest e-book, Essential Portals for Genealogy Research, is now available. Discover new resources for your brick-wall ancestors with the links and search strategies in this Sassy Jane Genealogy Guide.
U.S. and international research portals –most of them free – contain digital archives and primary sources for your genealogy research. Find portals for archives, books, digital libraries, maps, newspapers, and more.
How is it for protecting privacy?
It’s pretty good, I think. Better than Google anyway. They assert they do not sell or collect individual info. Here are their written policies: