Familienglück, ein Büchlein für Jünglinge und Jungfrauen, die sich verheirathen wollen, 1903. (courtesy MKI)
The Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies can help your German research.
Founded at the University of Wisconsin in 1983 with a grant from the Max Kade Foundation of New York, the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies examines how “German-speaking immigrants and their descendants have both shaped their North American environment and been shaped by it.”German-American immigration, history, culture, and language are the topics of interest at the MKI, and the following links may be helpful to genealogists researching German lines:
American Languages: German Dialects
Scanned images from the MKI Archives
Ethnicity in Wisconsin
Historical Maps of Central Europe (G. D. Reymann’s Special-Karte, 1832-1870)
How German is [the] American [Language]?
Virtual Exhibits
If you live or will be traveling to Madison, the MKI Library offers:
- A collection of more than 3200 books, pamphlets, and periodicals in the German language published in America, and/or by German-American authors;
- A collection of more than 5300 books, articles, and pamphlets dealing significantly with political, cultural and religious aspects of German, Swiss, and Austrian settlement in North America;
- A collection of more than 390 family histories, diaries, and manuscripts of German-speaking immigrants and descendants;
- More than thirty current journals or newsletters on the subject of German-American studies or genealogy.
- A listing of recent Library acquisitions can be viewed by clicking: New Acquisitions.
For more information, visit the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies’ genealogy page by clicking here.
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