merry christmas 2011Merry Christmas 2011 to my readers. No long post today, just a nostalgic trip back through the Sears Wishbook from 1962, when I got a Skipper doll – Barbie’s little sister for those of you not up on your Barbie trivia – along with a carload of other longed-for Barbie stuff for Christmas.

If you’d like to look at your Christmas Past, you can visit and find Speigels 1933, Sears 1940, Lord & Taylor 1941, Sears 1942-1944, and dozens of others all the way up to Sears 1988. (You can also laugh at the god-awful clothes from the 1970s.) I don’t know who is digitizing those giant vintage mail order catalogs, but I’m glad they are.

Happy holidays and Merry Christmas 2011 to all my readers and a wonderful new year ahead to you all.