My Legacy Family Tree webinar, Researching Ancestral Locations in Prussia. is now available.
Were your ancestors Prussian, German, or both? Perhaps you’ve found records stating your ancestors were German, but other records say they were Prussian. All three of these answers may be correct. Learn about resources to resolve these questions in this webinar.
Prussian Ancestral Locations

From one of the mapping resources in this webinar: now destroyed buildings on Krakowska Street, in Oppeln, Schleslien, Prussia.
This Legacy Family Tree webinar offers direct links and search strategies to pinpoint geographic locations of German-speaking ancestors from Prussia (Brandenburg, East Prussia, Pomerania, Posen, Silesia, West Prussia).
If you can’t make that date and time, you can view Researching Ancestral Locations in Prussian Genealogy Records in the Legacy Family Tree webinar library.
Researching Ancestral Locations in Prussia
There are three chapters in this webinar and companion Sassy Jane Genealogy eBook:
- Prussian? German? Or Both?
Prussian Geographical Hierarchy
Eastern Provinces
Prussian Geographical Hierarchy
History of Prussia
- Online Resources for Prussian Place Name Research
Gazetteers and Geographic Dictionaries in German and Polish
Vintage Maps
- Prussian Research Toolkit
Old German Handwriting
German Pronunciation
Diacriticals (Accent Marks)
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