2 Jun 2023

Major US Immigration and Naturalization Laws for Genealogy

By |2 Jun 2023|Immigrant Ancestors, Immigration Records, Migration Records, Naturalization Records|0 Comments

Understanding major US Immigration and Naturalization laws in effect when your immigrant ancestor(s) sought citizenship is essential. Download Major US Immigration and Naturalization Laws PDF Congress passed more than 27 immigration acts between 1790 [...]

1 Mar 2022

Free 1950 Census Name Index

By |1 Mar 2022|1950 Census, Archives, Census, Digital Collections, Genealogy, Primary Sources, Search Strategies, Tuesday's Tip|0 Comments

More on the free 1950 census name index from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). I posted a few days ago about the name index NARA is releasing on April 1, along with [...]

24 Feb 2022

1950 Census Release Includes Name Index

By |24 Feb 2022|1950 Census, Archives, Census, Primary Sources, Search Strategies|0 Comments

On April 1, the 1950 Census release includes name index. The good news comes from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). No fooling, despite the date! As I announced in my February [...]


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